There are so many MMA gyms opening up now that it seems like they are on every corner! How do you choose a qualified school? Remember just because a gym has the initials “MMA” or “BJJ” (Brazilian Jiu Jitsu) on their sign does not mean that they are qualified or certified to teach mixed martial arts.
One of the most important things to worry about when you are planing to join a new gym is taking price into consideration. The gym you choose is very important to your progress in the sport. We are all different and have our own individual goals for wanting to take martial arts. A single mother is not going to have the same goals a or needs as someone who is aspiring to reach a professional level in the sport is unfair. Many MMA and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu gyms offer only a one price rate for everyone, not taking into consideration the needs of specific individuals, not everyone is trying to be the next Anderson Silva.
Selva Brazilian Jiu Jitsu does not take this route. Here at at Selva BJJ there are trained men and women who take the time to asses your physical capabilities and time availability to find the program and price that best fits you. Every one of our students has the opportunity to sit down with an instructor to customize a program this will suit their specific needs.
Selva BJJ has classes going on throughout the day at two locations with highly trained coaches who take the time to work with their students on improving their skills. Classes designed for beginners who are just getting into the sport and other programs specific to fitness for women, kids classes and kick boxing classes are also available.
Call (888) 474-4193 and let Selva BJJ help design 100% FREE Custom Program For You! We also have 30 DAY FREE TRIAL and 60 Day Money Back for anyone is wondering what the gym is like. See you soon!