
Are Your Kids Depressed? | Kids Jiu Jitsu in Montebello |

Don’t Let Your Kids Feel Alone Isolation is the leading cause of depression and depression can lead to death or even more serious health effects. As crazy as this may seem, depression is very high amongst the youth. I know some people like their alone time, but most of the time that just gets lonely. Twenty percent […]

Are Your Kids Depressed? | Kids Jiu Jitsu in Montebello | Read More »

America Has A Major Obesity Problem | Kids Jiu Jitsu in Montebello |

Kids Have An Obesity Problem! America has a major obesity problem, especially in kids because a majority of young kids do not have a healthy lifestyle. With the ubiquitous presence of the Fast-Food industry food causes kids to be unhealthy and fast food without exercise is detrimental to a kid’s health. There are certain inevitable

America Has A Major Obesity Problem | Kids Jiu Jitsu in Montebello | Read More »