tae kwon do

Martial Arts For Autism | Kids Martial Arts Montebello

Children With Autsim Benefit From Brazilian Jiu Jitsu This month is dedicated to Autism awareness, Autism is neural development disorder that impairs social and communication interaction in many children today. Although at this point in time their is no cure or pin point cause there are many ways you can help the families who are  […]

Martial Arts For Autism | Kids Martial Arts Montebello Read More »

Kids and TV: Break the habit 30 days Free Kids Martial Arts Training

Children Watch Too Much TV Obesity is a huge problem in today’s youth, with many children in school being overweight in grades as low as kindergarden. Obesity can affect a child’s self-confidence and cause them to endure a lot of unnecessary mistreatment from their peers. As well doing harmful damage to their health, prevention of

Kids and TV: Break the habit 30 days Free Kids Martial Arts Training Read More »